Friday, September 21, 2012

Library Chicken and College Snack Time

Tonight, Nugget and I are playing a game we call "Library Chicken"-- neither us can leave Case-Geyer Library until the other one does. It is a truly heroic test of will, academic attention span, and caffeine intake. Strategic breaks are key to my long-term strategy to defeat Nugget in this epic contest, so instead of continuing to read about Freud and Einstein, I thought I'd pause to share some miscellaneous thoughts on the miscellaneous college meal: snacks!

Last weekend, I went with Colgate's Newman Community to an apple orchard called Beak & Skiff for a day of apple picking and general frolicking. The day brought to mind childhood memories, falling leaves, and all that is good about Central New York. After our rather disappointing dinner on Tuesday night, we turned to the bounty I had brought home to redeem the evening, making ourselves a study break snack of apples, maple candy, and apple cider.

In my mind, this is an example of all the best qualities of food; like pitzelles and hot chocolate at Christmas or pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce at Thanksgiving, apple and maple are flavors I look forward to all year. They create a special moment out of a particular time of year, and lend themselves to some pretty snazzy food photography.

Norman Rockwell wishes he had painted this
almost as much as you wish you were eating it.
However, on a night like tonight (aka most nights), snacks don't reach this level of perfection. Instead, they are generally pure junk that serves to fill the void that sleep leaves behind.

Here's what our fuel for Library Chicken has been:

If Martha Stewart is the champion of the classy snack, then tonight we are following the lead of another Food Philosophy Icon: Louis CK.

Ok, so that's not the best advice to post on a food blog.
What can we say? Smart girls love dumb food.

P.S. I am totally going to win Library Chicken. Emma is quickly descending into a delusional state.

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