Bean and I are class acts. |
You might be thinking there's no way I could pull off something as fancy as quiche. It's French. People question its masculinity. It's got that weird Q thing going on.
If your thinking ends there, you've probably only experienced quiche in some shmancy cafe, or you've had one of those curdled little Starbucks nightmares. Which is a shame, because there is nothing as lusciously cheesy and satisfying as homemade quiche.
Come on. If sleepy Nuggets can do it, anyone can.
Me telling Bean how I really feel. |
What this actually means is that I cooked alone. In a cold, empty kitchen.
Trust me, domestic looks as just scary on me as it does on her. |
As it turns out, a lonely Nugget is a scarily enthusiastic, overachieving Nugget.
I even started getting up early(ish) to do strategic prep work to expedite our evening cooking. I embraced domesticity.
When this happens to a girl, she starts making one-pan meals.
All kidding aside, quiche is a good recipe to have in your bag of tricks. Like my 50s sisters' casseroles, quiche is a basic method that can be a vehicle for just about anything.
I start by making a pie crust (as seen in None of the Parents, All of the Pie). You could buy a frozen one from the supermarket, but homemade pie crusts are so much tastier.
Bad news -- I had the Grim. |
Wash the whole bag. Microwave it to get rid of some of the water. If you don't, the leaves will float to the top and become as crisp as autumn leaves, which is gross in a food.
Spinach on cheese on crust. |
Eating quiche is your chance to eat way more cheese than is socially acceptable. Six ounces of any semi-hard cheese (so cheddar, swiss, monterey jack) will do.
1 1/2 cups of half and half (it's decadent, not healthy)
3 eggs
1/2 tsp salt
dash of pepper
dash of nutmeg
The easiest and fastest way to combine these ingredients is in a blender or food processor, but we don't have either of those. I've done so much whisking already this year I'll have forearms like a rock climber by graduation.
I did a really great job of sloshing quiche guts everywhere at this point. |
Then you bake it at 375 for about 45 minutes (until it's puffed across the top), and you're done.
O for Outstanding -- Delicious, and microwaves really well if you make it ahead of time.
Bonus: it's an entire meal in an exciting pie-shape.
It's worth it to go look up recipes for some favorite "fancy" meals -- some of them are probably as simple as quiche. Plus, trying something new adds a taste of accomplishment to each bite, and it will feel special and exciting.
Also, people will think you're impressive.
It's definitely not poor lighting that makes this picture glow. It's quiche's pure, unadulterated swag. |
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